Opuforty Mall


15 Days Treatment For Your Eye 1 Purxcel + 1 Cleanse


If you’re sick of going to the doctor’s office and using prescription eyeglasses and eyedrops all the time, you should start with 1 Purxcel + 1 Cleanse. Over 2,340 Nigerian men and women are nearing the healing stage after receiving permanent cures for more than 3,390 different eye conditions.


Delivery & Returns


Delivery takes 1 to 5 business days. Choose Express Delivery for faster options. For same-day delivery, order by 11 AM; for next-day, order after 11 AM. Availability may vary by area.

Return Policy

7-Day Return Guarantee: Visit opufortymall.com/refund_returns/ for return policy details.

Common Eye Disorders and Diseases

  • Refractive Errors.
  • Eye Strain
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
  • Cataract.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Itchy and Watering
  • Amblyopia.
  • Radishes
  • Poor Night Vision

Here’s What This Vision Capsules Can Do To Help You

Strengthen Your Muscles

Strengthen your eyes and focal muscles, eliminating the painful burning sensation in your eyes at the end of every single day.

Prevent Ocular Toxicity

Prevent ocular toxicity thereby enabling you to use a computer or watch TV without pain and suffering anytime, anywhere, and as long as you want.

End Eye Drop Worries

Start your day comfortably, without worrying about taking half an hour to pop your eye drop or find your Spectacle.

Improve EyeSight

Improve and perfect your eyesight so that you don’t need your “readers” nearby every single time you need to read the newspaper, a report, a book, or a document.

Improve Vision

Improve ALL aspects of your vision. Whether you’re nearsighted or farsighted, the condition can be cured! See road signs from far away, watch a movie, play catch, or read a book with just a lamp on, without stressing about carrying your Spectacle around everywhere!

Cure Glaucoma And Other Eye Defects

Nourishes the eye with all useful nutrients. Cure glaucoma, cataracts, and night blindness.


Instructions for Use:

Step 1: Bring water to a boil for two to five minutes.
Step 2: Add the sliced onion to the boiling water, and then let it cool.
Step 3: After removing the onion, add a sachet of Crystal Eyes tea to the water, stir well, and then drink.


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